Naturopathic and Functional Medicine done wholeheartedly.
Naturopathic, Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine and Holistic Pharmacy appointments in Naperville, IL.
Virtual Naturopathic Medicine and Holistic Pharmacy appointments via Telemedicine available nationwide.

Who We Are
Wholehearted Naturopathic and Wellness is a wellness practice that focuses on health from every aspect: physically, emotionally and wholeheartedly. We serve the community of the western suburbs of Chicago, IL with in-person appointments and telemedicine services nationwide. Our services are available via two options: at our location shared with Radiant Life Holistic at 1240 Iroquois Dr. Unit 500 in Naperville, IL, and through our HIPAA secure telemedicine services.
What is the Natural Medicine Approach?
Finding and addressing the root cause.
Working integratively and seeking evidence-based solutions.
A commitment to empowerment and education.
Addressing the person as a whole.
A focus on prevention first.
A treatment approach personalized to you.
Finding and addressing the root cause.