Drug Dose Reduction

With: Dr. Amit Dhingra, PharmD

Thoughts become things and awakenings happen.  But we must clear the mind first.  Ironically, most of us are trained to work through our battles from the outside going in.  We are told that if we have the right education, the right job, the right status, the right social connections, the right spouse or partner, the right home, and so on- that we will be happy.  These are all outward things.  Not one of them truly guarantees satisfaction, and in fact, these things are often what make us most unhappy.  

We must reconfigure how we heal by understanding the fundamental principle that our true being is perfection.  Nothing outward will ever satisfy us.  All those things may be nice to have, but they are not the source of joy, contentment, or inner peace.  That peace comes from truly understanding ourselves-by seeing for ourselves where true joy comes from.  

By turning your worldview upside down, and challenging all your assumptions, you can find answers that ring true in your deepest self.  It could be that your depression or anxiety, or past traumas and experiences were a key element to experience a higher sense of purpose.  The pain makes us question things that we would otherwise take for granted! 

Drug dosage reduction with the help of your clinician can be a first step towards creating space for a joy filled inward journey.  But it must be done with grace and poise, never cold turkey.  Tapering should be no greater than a 10% reduction every 2-4 weeks.  With the help of a complimentary 20 minute discovery session and your free tapering schedule, the first step towards a gradual reduction can begin to unfold.  You and your doctor now have options to work through this gradual reduction with the help of a tapering, Medication Therapy Management Board Certified Pharmacist and Naturopathic Doctor.