Acupuncture With a Wholehearted touch
At Wholehearted Naturopathic, we take acupuncture very seriously. Utilizing a traditional Chinese diagnostic approach, the best points are selected for your current state of health, with point selections gradually evolving over time as the body begins to adjust to the effects of treatment.
Acupuncture is a safe and gentle therapeutic option that can benefit nearly every condition, ranging from pain to stress management to chronic digestive complaints and hormonal imbalances. Patients who experience acupuncture often describe it as a relaxing and serene experience, with studies showing that those who receive it often go into an alpha state, or a state of wakeful and peaceful relaxation.
Dr. Sarah possesses a three years master degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which studies the art of acupuncture, Chinese herbalism, cupping, moxa and electric point stimulation in depth, while apprenticing with longtime practitioners of the art. She combines this high level of experience with a thorough knowledge of western medicine and human anatomy, ensuring that you have both an enjoyable and beneficial experience during your session.
What to Expect During an Acupuncture Session
An initial acupuncture session takes between 60-90 minutes and involves a medical history and assessment of health from a Chinese medical perspective. A brief physical exam usually also takes place that involves examining the tongue, and pulse and checking the abdominal region for tenderness or irritation. This is all part of the process of making the most fitting selection of nearly 365 acupuncture points in existence.
The sensation of acupuncture needles is very light and non-painful. At times there may be a pleasant sensation of warmth at the location where a needle was inserted. All needles used are sterile and disposed of immediately after use, are made from high-quality stainless steel, and have the thickness of about a cat whisker. It is usually recommended to wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing to an appointment, although comfortable fitting gowns are also available for use in our office.
Length of Time:
Initial Visit: 90 Minutes, Return Visits: 45-60 Minutes
Cost: $89 first visit, $60 for follow-up visits
Wellness & Acupuncture memberships available.